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Testing, one two three (Column No.1469)

It's a testing time for the truth in Covidland

You're only as old as the litter you pick up (Column No.1478)

You're only as old as the litter you pick up

Open the podcast door Hal…

Open the podcast door Hal...

The Max Crus Trophy

The Max Crus Trophy : History and list of winners

Stand up and be...ridiculed (Column No.1472)

Stand up and be...ridiculed

Invasion of the holiday snatchers (Column No.1471)

Invasion Day or Holi-day

Those were the days my friend...(Column No.1468)

...we wish they'd end

Minutes to midnight (Column No.1467)

Is there time to save the world?

I'm dreaming of an Insta' Xmas. (Column No.1466)

Xmas shopping has never been so...instant.

Santa Claus is coming to...(Column No.1465)

...a supermarket near you.

One Bad Apple (Column No.1464)

Hey, you, get off of my phone (Column No.1462)

Birthday suits birthday cards’ strong suit. (Column No.1461)

Summer love is like no other…phobia. (Column No.1460)

Sex in a Phone box (Column No.1459)

Sex in a Phone Box

The Great Australian plight (Column No.1458)

The Great Australian plight

Representative Swill, it's not about you (Column No.1457)

Did someone say “I don’t care”…about dying? (Column No.1456)

Did someone say “I don’t care”…about dying?

Pollies caught with their pants…back to front. (Column No.1453)

Pollies caught with their pants…back to front.

Tradies or just a bunch of tools? Column No.1455

Tis the season to be grumpy.

I had the best New Years resolution ready to go and forgot to make it on the night. Is it still valid? Will it still work or...

Headaches - a pain in the neck.

I just wanted to share my pain, an essential part of the healing process according to psychologists which actually does segue nicely to marketing..

Steam me up, Scotty.

Scotty from Marketing, Scotty, Scotty, Scotty. What the bloody hell were you thinking?

Got to make the best of next week.

This was to be a best of 2020 column, but then it dawned what a sad day is ahead of us this week. Yes, by this time next week, Donald Trump will...

Pick-up lines and wines.

Etiquette, like logic, is a very individual thing. Regrettably my dog agrees. Grunt quickly cottoned on to me...